Irina’s Weblog


JVM in action

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 10:22 pm

A visualization I have prepared today for our weekly team knowledge sharing session. Displayed is the Java Virtual Machine as it executes the code of a simple sum() function. I have used the javap disassembler to generate the readable bytecode instructions which are highlighted with the current instruction pointer.

The Local Variables contains the function arguments and all local variables declared in the function. Since the function is not static, the first argument is “this”.
The JVM is a stack-oriented abstract machine – if an instruction needs an input, this input should be put on the Operand Stack before calling the instruction itself.
Each JVM instruction is a single byte. For example, iload_0 means “load local variable with index 0 as int in the Operand Stack”. So the “i” in the “iload_0” means “int”. This instruction is part of a group of int operations: iload_0, iload_1, iload_2, iload_3 for which you don’t need to supply an index as it is part of the instruction itself. When you need to access Local Variable with index more than 3, you need to use the generic iload instruction and supply the index as a second byte that follows the byte of the instruction. JVM provides also lload, fload, dload, aload for the other primitive types. Each of these operations has additional 4 instructions for manipulation of the first 4 Local Variables as iload does.

Big thanks to Alexander Shopov for his inspiring presentations: &


Brain Modes and Pair Programming

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 8:18 pm

Pair Programming is a famous XP technique with both devoted supporters and strong opposers. It is also quite well known. Still recently I read in the book “Pragmatic Thinking and Learning” an interesting opinion from the author what exactly are the biggest pluses of Pair Programming:

Our brain can be in one of two modes: linear (logical, verbal, conscious) and rich (intuitive, non-verbal, unconscious). While writing code we are verbal, thus forcing our brain to enter linear mode. Unfortunately, this brings a serious disadvantage – since rich mode is off, and rich mode is responsible for creativity, we loose the chance to come up with the most original and beautiful ideas. That is why we need to regularly step away from the keyboard to be able to process the problem from another perspective. What I usually do is to prepare myself a cup of herbal tea, go on the terrace, take a walk outside, or even, with home office, do some laundry. When one does something routine, the linear brain mode seems to get bored and switches off. Then the subconscious processing of your problem starts. When you go back to the keyboard after a while, the solutions is present without you having searched intentionally for it.

Pair Programming allows us to eliminate the need of such breaks since there is a second programmer next to us. He is free from writing code, from verbality, so his mind is able to turn on its rich mode. This way he is able to see the big picture, to search for patterns, to identify repetitions. Instead of a single programmer switching between linear and rich brain mode, there are now two programmers working one in linear, another in rich mode. The two complement each other. We have both brain modes simultaneously instead of sequentially.

The Driver drives the car and stays focused, the Navigator looks at the whole picture and offers suggestions and advice.


Java: JVM 8 Memory Model

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 2:28 pm

During investigation of chapter 2.5 Run-Time Data Areas of “The Java® Virtual Machine Specification, Java SE 8 Edition”, I created the following Mind map to help myself visualize the types of areas in the JVM memory. Click on thumbnail to see the full image.

JVM 8 Memory Model

Any comments are welcome.

Mind map created with FreeMind.


find-sec-bugs & redirect warnings

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 5:10 pm

A colleague asked me why is SonarQube complaining about HttpServletResponse redirects so much. It seems to come from FindSecBugs plugin for FindBugs. In the description Unvalidated Redirect) the explanation is the following:

Unvalidated redirects occur when an application redirects a user to a destination URL specified by a user supplied parameter that is not validated. Such vulnerabilities can be used to facilitate phishing attacks.

This is the famous “Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards” OWASP Top 10 vulnerability.

But the issue is that the code in mention was making a simple redirect to a path defined in class level a constant – no variables were ever added to the URL. Definitely a false-positive. The question was: how to re-write the code for Sonar to stop complaining?

First thing to do: check the proposed solutions.

– Don’t accept redirection destinations from users
– Accept a destination key, and use it to look up the target (legal) destination
– Accept only relative paths
– White list URLs (if possible)
– Validate that the beginning of the URL is part of a white list

I realized some of the solutions (like white-listing) are a bit too much for a static analyzer to check. The following crossed my mind: security issues are too important so maybe the creators of find-sec-bugs have decided to mark ALL redirects as vulnerabilities in order for the code author to check all of them with care and mark the false positives.

Next step: Check the implementation, which in our case is class find-sec-bugs/plugin/src/main/java/com/h3xstream/findsecbugs/injection/redirect/

My guess was correct! All redirects are marked as vulnerabilities, as well as all additions of “Location” headers.

So only option for now – manual ignore with comment.

It seems there is a long-going discussion on the topic in their issue tracker: “findsecbugs:UNVALIDATED_REDIRECT and context path”


Throwing Java checked exception, not declared in the method declaration

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 5:49 pm

As I was browsing through JVM 8.0 Specification, I saw the following in chapter 4.7.5. The Exceptions Attribute:

A method should throw an exception only if at least one of the following three criteria is met:

  1. The exception is an instance of RuntimeException or one of its subclasses.
  2. The exception is an instance of Error or one of its subclasses.
  3. The exception is an instance of one of the exception classes specified in the exception_index_table just described, or one of their subclasses.(Irina’s note: it is listed in the “throws” clause of the method)

These requirements are not enforced in the Java Virtual Machine; they are enforced only at compile time.

I decided to check how would Oracle’s JVM act in case a method throws checked exception, not listed in the “throws” clause. What I needed was a method that throws one checked exception like this:

public class ThrowsTest {
public void f(int a) throws IOException {
if (a < 0) throw new IOException(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, IOException { new ThrowsTest().f(Integer.valueOf(args[0])); } }

After compiling at the command line with "javac", one could easily test that negative command-line argument causes an IOException:

>java ThrowsTest -2
Exception in thread "main"
at ThrowsTest.f(
at ThrowsTest.main(

What I would try to do is replace in the class file the construction of with another checked exception - for example, java.lang.Exception, without updating the "throws" clause, and check if the JVM really throws it. To do so it would be easier if I simply change the bytes in the class file to point to an exception, which is already known to the class file. I.e. it is part of the Static Pool of the class. I am adding another method:
public void g(int a, int b) throws Exception {
if (a + b < 0) { throw new Exception(); } }

The key here is to have exactly the same exception constructor - in this case, I have chosen one with zero parameters.

I could simply open the ThrowsTest.class in a HEX editor. To identify the method I used also a helper tool: Java Class File Editor. In it I was able to inspect the correct indexes of the old exception and the new exception in the Constant Pool:

Byte Code Analysis

Then I looked at the Byte code of the method. It is located in an Attribute with name "Code" for the method void (int):

It is visible that the "new" instruction creates an instance of (index 2 in the Constant Pool above) , and "invokespecial" finishes the construction by calling the constructor (index 3 in the Constant Pool above). That are the two values I need to change. The new values should be java.lang.Exception with index 4 and the constructor ()V with index 5. To identify the location in the binary file, I opened it in HEX and found the first occurrence of "invocespecial" - bytecode b7. Right after it the value was 3, now changed to 5. Two instructions back is the "new" instruction with operand 2, now changed to 4:

Byte Code - modified

When I now run the same test, I have the following result:

>java ThrowsTest -2
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Exception
at ThrowsTest.f(
at ThrowsTest.main(

Decompilation of the class with CFR - another java decompiler shows the following non-compilable code:
* Decompiled with CFR 0_119.
public class ThrowsTest {
public void f(int n) throws IOException {
if (n < 0) { throw new Exception(); } } public void g(int n, int n2) throws Exception { if (n + n2 < 0) { throw new Exception(); } } public static void main(String[] arrstring) throws NumberFormatException, IOException { new ThrowsTest().f(Integer.valueOf(arrstring[0])); } }

So indeed Oracle's JVM did allow an inconsistent class to run - it throws checked exception not listed in its "Exceptions" attribute of the method.


Åëåêòðîííèòå ó÷åáíèöè íà Ïðîñâåòà

Filed under: Books,Computers,Ãðàæäàíñêè — Izida @ 5:41 pm

Äîêàòî ïðåãëåæäàõ ñàéòà íà Ïðîñâåòà ïîïàäíàõ íà ñëåäíîòî:

Çà ïðúâ ïúò â Áúëãàðèÿ Prosveta Libri Magici – ó÷åáíèöèòå íà áúäåùåòî!

Èçãëåäàõ êëèï÷åòî, ïðåãëåäàõ ïðèìåðíèòå óðîöè ïî Ìàòåìàòèêà è Áúëãàðñêè åçèê. Èíòåðåñíî å, óâëåêàòåëíî å, èìà ôèëì÷åòà è çâóöè. Íî ìå ïîäðàçíèõà íÿêîëêî èçêàçâàíèÿ îò êëèïà:

  • “Òåáåøèðèòå, ÷åðíàòà äúñêà, îãðîìíèòå ïðàøíè êàðòè è äåáåëè àòëàñè îñòàâàò â ìèíàëîòî!”
  • “… äðóãî îñíîâíî ïðåäèìñòâî: îñâîáîæäàâà ó÷èòåëÿ îò íåîáõîäèìîñòòà íåïðåêúñíàòî äà òúðñè è îñèãóðÿâà äîïúëíèòåëíè ìàòåðèàëè, äà ñå ãðèæè çà íàáàâÿíåòî íà èíôîðìàöèÿ. Âñè÷êî, îò êîåòî ñå íóæäàå, å ñúáðàíî â èíòåðàêòèâíèÿ ó÷åáíèê, êîéòî ìîæå äà ñå äîïúëâà è îáíîâÿâà ìíîãî ïî-ëåñíî è áúðçî îò òðàäèöèîííîòî èçäàíèå íà õàðòèåí íîñèòåë.”

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×îâåê çàïîìíÿ ………
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70 % îò òîâà, êîåòî êàçâà;
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Ïî îòíîøåíèå íà “îñíîâíîòî ïðåäèìñòâî” êîìåíòàðúò å èçëèøåí.


Ðàçëèêà ìåæäó èíòåãðàöèÿ è êîìïîçèöèÿ íà êîìïîíåíòè

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 9:12 pm

Èç êíèãàòà “Building Reliable Component-based Software Systems” ñ àâòîðè Ivica Crnkovic è Magnus Larsson:

Component integration is the mechanical task of “wiring” components together by matching the needs and services of one component with the services and needs of others.

Composition … is an engineering task beyond the mechanics of wiring components together. In analogy, consider the incompatibility of connecting a very powerful audio amplifier to low-wattage speakers. The speakers will plug in with no problem and at low volumes will probably function acceptably, but if the volume is raised the speakers will most likely be destroyed.

Âïå÷àòëåíèå ìè íàïðàâè ñëåäíàòà çàáåëåæêà íà àâòîðà:

Although the introduction of component models has enabled component based developers to plug components together much more easily than in the past, it is still difficult to get them to play well together.

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Èçèñêâàíèÿ è àðõèòåêòóðà

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 10:33 am

Until now, however, architectural design has been discussed in the light that, if you know the requirements for a system, you can build the architecture for it. This is short-sighted and fails to tell the whole story. What do you suppose would happen if two different architects, working in two different organizations, were given the same requirements specification for a system? Do you think they would produce the same architecture or different ones?
The answer is that, in general, they would produce different ones, which immediately belies the notion that requirements determine architecture. Other factors are at work, and to fail to recognize them is to continue working in the dark.

“Software Architecture in Practice, Second Edition”, àâòîðè Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman, èçäàòåëñòâî Addison Wesley.


Âèçóàëèçàöèÿ íà àëãîðèòìè çà ñîðòèðàíå

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 3:15 pm

Ïîëåçíà âèçóàëèçàöèÿ íà òîâà êàê ðàáîòÿò ðàçëè÷íè àëãîðèòìè çà ñîðòèðàíå – ïðèëîæåíè êàêòî íà “ñëó÷àéíî” ðàçáúðêàíè, òàêà è íà ïîäðåäåíè ðåäèöè :

Ïîäîáåí ïîäõîä çà äåìîíñòðàöèÿ áÿõ âèäÿëà â êíèãàòà íà Ðîáúðò Ñåäæóèê “Àëãîðèòìè íà C” (èäàíèå íà ÑîôòÏðåñ) – êîåòî òî÷íî áå è ïðè÷èíàòà äà ñå ñäîáèÿ ñ èçäàíèåòî.


Ïúçåë ñ êàðòè

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 1:35 am

Èìàòå ÷åòèðè êàðòè :

B 5 2 J

Âñÿêà êàðòà èìà áóêâà îò åäíàòà ñè ñòðàíà è öèôðà îò äðóãàòà. Êîè êàðòè òðÿáâà äà îáúðíåòå çà äà ïðîâåðèòå äàëè å èçïúëíåíî ïðàâèëîòî, ÷å àêî èìàòå J îò åäíàòà ñòðàíà, òî îò äðóãàòà èìàòå 5?


SQL fun

Filed under: Computers,Humor — Izida @ 4:44 pm

A SQL query goes to a restaurant, walks up to 2 tables and says “Can I join you”?


Íåðàçáðàíèÿò JavaScript

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 4:57 pm

Àêî ñìÿòàòå, ÷å ëåñíîòàòà, ñ êîÿòî ñå ïèøå íà JavaScript, å äîñòàòú÷åí ïîêàçàòåë çà òîâà äà ãî íàðå÷åì ãëóïàâ è àìàòüîðñêè åçèê çà ïðîãðàìèðàíå, òî ïîãëåäíåòå ñëåäíàòà ñòàòèÿ íà Douglas Crockford :

“JavaScript: The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language”

Èìà è îòëè÷íè ñòàòèè íà òåìà íàñëåäÿâàíå è ñêðèâàíå íà èíôîðìàöèÿòà â JS:

ÏÈÁ ñ îáíîâåíî åëåêòðîííî áàíêèðàíå

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 12:48 pm

Îò ïîñò â áëîãà íà Ïúðâà èíâåñòèöèîííà áàíêà íàó÷èõ, ÷å îò 31âè òîçè ìåñåö ùå å äîñòúïíà îñúâðåìåíåíàòà âåðñèÿ íà åëåêòðîííîòî èì áàíêèðàíå. Íàèñòèíà ìè å ëþáîïèòíî äà âèäÿ êàê ñà ðàçâèëè ñèñòåìàòà ñëåä ìíîæåñòâîòî ïðåïîðúêèòå è çàáåëåæêèòå íà êëèåíòè.



Filed under: Books,Computers — Izida @ 10:46 am

I could list all of the qualities that I notice in clean code, but there is one overarching quality that leads to all of them. Clean code always looks like it was written by someone who cares. There is nothing obvious that you can do to make it better. All of those things were thought about by the code’s author, and if you try to imagine improvements, you’re led back to where you are, sitting in appreciation of the code someone left for you—code left by someone who cares deeply about the craft.

Michael Feathers, àâòîð íà Working Effectively with Legacy Code

Äà, ïðèÿòíî å äà âèäèø ïàð÷å êîä, çà êîåòî äà ñè êàæåø : “Òóê íàèñòèíà íÿìà êàêâî äà ñå ïîäîáðè!”. È äà ñè ïðåäñòàâèø êàê ÷îâåêúò íå ïðîñòî å íàïèñàë íåùî, êîåòî ðàáîòè, à è å âëîæèë ãðèæà è ñòàðàíèå äà ãî ïîäîáðè äî ñòåïåíòà, êîÿòî å ïðåä òåá. Òîâà ó ìåí ñúáóæäà ÷óâñòâî íà óâàæåíèå êúì àâòîðà. È âúïðîñà : Äàëè è àç áèõ ãî äîâåëà äî òîçè âèä?

Ìíåíèÿ íà äðóãè ñïåöèàëèñòè (Stroustrup, Booch è äð.) : “InformIT > What Is Clean Code? By Robert C. Martin”


Øàáëîíèòå è äåòàéëèòå

Filed under: Computers — Izida @ 10:08 pm

The architect Christopher Alexander – father of patterns and pattern language … views the craftsmanship of fine structure to be the sole purview of the architect; the larger forms can be left to patterns and their application by the inhabitants.

James O. Coplien

Êàçàíî èíà÷å – àðõèòåêòúò Êðèñòîôúð Àëåêñàíäúð, áàùàòà íà øàáëîíèòå çà äèçàéí, ñìÿòà, ÷å ðîëÿòà íà àðõèòåêòà å äà “èçïèïà” äåòàéëèòå. Ñàìèòå øàáëîíè ìîæå è êëèåíòà äà ñè ãè ïîäáåðå!

Èçòî÷íèê : Clean Code Foreword.


Internet Explorer îãðàíè÷àâà áðîÿ CSSè çà åäíà ñòðàíèöà

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Ìàòåìàòè÷åñêà ïî÷åðïêà

Filed under: Computers,Daily,Humor — Izida @ 10:52 am

So if a mathematician says, “You may have cake or your may have ice cream”, then you could have both.

Êàçàíî èíà÷å, âíèìàâàéòå ïðè ïîñòðîÿâàíåòî íà ìàòåìàòè÷åñêè òâúðäåíèÿ îò òâúðäåíèÿ íà åñòåñòâåí åçèê.

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